
APA Elevate

As a part of our company-wide Elevate corporate responsibility initiative, APA closes its offices in Los Angeles, New York, Nashville, Atlanta and Toronto every year so that all employees can volunteer at numerous local charitable organizations in each city to support and service our communities in need.
Connecting Communities By

Lending a Helping Hand

In Los Angeles, we’ve made food baskets for the World Harvest Food Bank in Mid-City, assembled homeless care kits at the Saban Community Clinic, helped provide safe and comfortable living environments for seniors at the Motion Picture Television Fund’s Home Safe Home, assisted in beach clean-up for Los Angeles Waterkeeper, built gift bags for Baby2Baby, and helped bag groceries for APLA Health.  In New York, employees have split their efforts between two Citymeals on Wheels locations to deliver meals to the elderly in different NYC neighborhoods.  In Nashville, staff has sorted and boxed food at the Second Harvest Food Bank’s distribution center, and prepped meal deliveries at Nashville Food Project.  In Atlanta, staff has spent the day cooking recipes with clients and partaking in various activities with Jewish Family & Career Services.  The Toronto office spends the day at the local Humane Society shelter preparing food for the animals and the pet food bank, taking part in toy-making, and spent the rest of the afternoon providing one-on-one sessions with the sheltered animals.